Sunday, July 22, 2012

Journal 4: Join the Flock! & Enhance Your Twitter Experience

NETS-T: 2, 4, 5
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock! Learning & leading with technology, 37(8), 12-14. Retrieved from

Miller, S. M. (2010). Enhance Your Twitter Experience. Learning & leading with technology, 37(8), 14-17. Retrieved from

Learning & Leading with Technology offers articles for educators regarding new technology. Hadley Ferguson and Shannon McClintock Miller breakdown how Twitter can be used effectively, helping users get the most out Twitter. Ferguson (2010) gives step-by-step instructions on forming a PLN, a Professional Learning Network. A PLN is “is a community of individuals around the world who are learning together” (p. 12). The goal of the PLN is to create collaboration in a common interest or passion. As educators, this is beneficial in order to learn new ideas and technology from all around the world. It does not limit what new information and professional growth is available.

Miller (2010) offers a more thorough account of how PLNs benefit the “Tweeter.” Twitter offers a whole world of new possibilities for educators. It creates the global space of education, connecting people to new technology and possibilities. The community helps teachers answer questions and get new resources, benefiting themselves and their students immensely (p. 15). Organizing Twitter based on interests, friends, or messages can help separate what is going on, easily finding the tweets most important.

Q1: How can Twitter help new teachers?
A1: Twitter has grown to encompass more than sports, celebrities, and entertainment. PLNs can help new teachers create a community of support. Adding other educators with similar interests or philosophies can open the door to collaboration in the classroom, regardless of how far other members are. Twitter offers teachers the unique opportunity of life-long learning and professional growth with endless opportunities. 

Q2: How can Twitter organizers, such as TweetDeck, benefit new and old members of Twitter?
A2: The Twitter organizer is a beneficial tool, much like a graphic organizer. It takes into account what is most important to the user, and puts the information neatly in as many columns as the Tweeter cares to use. One of the coolest tools it gives is the translator. As global citizens, this creates limitless opportunities to learn. 

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